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Es ist der erste Star-Trek-Kinofilm und zugleich eine Fortsetzung der Fernsehserie ?

[1] [2] She was born and raised on the Ocampa home world in an underground city, [3] which was constructed by an alien known as the Caretaker after he inadvertently destroyed the planet's atmosphere. The “surface web” is where most internet users spend their time; websi. [1] Until the episode "Extinction" towards the start of the third season, the series was called simply Enterprise without the Star Trek prefix. [1] Some aspects of these fictional races became well known in American pop culture, such as the Vulcan salute and the Borg phrase, "Resistance is futile. If you want to step outside in any situation with the k. deharris county judicial district court 1 Novou Enterprise-A obsadí se svými následovníky rebelský Vulkánec Sybok, který se s lodí a celou její posádkou vydá hledat do středu galaxie Boha. Leonard McCoy a bordo da nave estelar USS Enterprise. Star Trek: Discovery composer Jeff Russo was revealed to be composing the score for Picard in July 2019. Paramount produjo seis largometrajes de Star Trek entre 1979 y 1991, cada uno de los cuales presentaba al elenco de la Serie Original en sus papeles originales. Founded in 2012, Modiphius En. craigslist space coast missed connections Mai 2004 zeigen, dass es funktioniert. It is the tenth film in the Star Trek franchise,. A Romulan saying The Breen were a spacefaring humanoid species native to the planet Breen in the Alpha Quadrant. It was created by Gene Roddenberry and chronicles the exploits of the 23rd-century crew of the starship USS Enterprise. Het is een sequel op de film Star Trek uit 2009. Michael Straczynski, creator of the Babylon 5 franchise, appreciated Star Trek amongst other science fiction series and "what they had to say about who we are, and where we are going. terry nazon Kirk as captain of the starship USS Enterprise Pike first appeared as the main character of the original unaired pilot episode for Star Trek: The Original Series, "The Cage", portrayed by Jeffrey Hunter. ….

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